Yupdates shut down on December 30th, 2023. Read more.

Service Overview

Beyond the introduction.


At the heart of Yupdates is our rich selection of input sources. See the complete list below.


Add any combination of inputs to a feed — or just one. Whatever works. Learn more here.


Use groups to organize your feeds. Perhaps by subject, like "work" or "learn Python". Or by priority, like "back burner".


Include or exclude items based on keyword matches or regular expressions. Run chains of inclusion/exclusion rules.

Deletion detection

We periodically look back into a source's history and call out deleted items.


What can you do with items in your feed besides read them? See the actions section.


Outputs are actions that you want to happen automatically, without any intervention.


Get better or condensed information. Choose to extract just the links or convert HTML to plaintext with URL footnotes.


Browse every item from every feed in the firehose. Good if you're short on time and just want the latest.

Output feeds

Load any feed or the firehose into another feed reader, a great option to see the latest on mobile devices where you may not want to sign in.


Anything you save or tag is automatically indexed in your personal database. Restrict searches by tag, publication date, and more.


Add notes to anything you save or tag. Notes are searchable, too.


Yupdates gives you real, permanent links for feeds, configuration pages, and search queries. So, it plays well with bookmarks, the back button, refresh, and "open in new tab."

Low footprint

Speaking of browser tabs, open them to your heart's content. Pages are rendered as plain HTML, and open tabs do not use CPU. We only use JavaScript here and there (drag and drop configs, hotkeys, etc.).


Quickly navigate right from your keyboard. Fly through results, feeds, and groups. Each key is configurable, so you can make things just right. See the list or try them out for yourself.


Use the API to add arbitrary items. Choose from the Python SDK, Rust SDK, or a simple HTTP POST. We are moving cautiously, gathering feedback before cementing the interface for v1. See the details.


Feeds have one or more inputs: sources which bring in content from a wide variety of integrations.

RSS & Atom

Bring in any RSS, RSS v2, or Atom feed. Choose from millions of options that are already available in these well-known formats.

On top of adding your choices from the web, we maintain a large catalog of interesting feeds to make it easy to discover and add them.

Not sure if a site has feeds? Plug a URL into our feed finder, and we'll try to figure it out. If we find any, you can load up a preview and decide if it looks good to add.


Adding an email input creates a unique address you can use from any device to add new items to a feed.

It will look like this:


When you send in an email, you can add any prefix you like, up to 32 more characters. We'll ignore those.

So, you could add an email address like this to your contacts:


And, as you're viewing something on your phone, you could "share via email", type "readlater", and it will autocomplete the rest. This is a painless way to add items from virtually any device.

You can use these to subscribe to a bunch of email newsletters and filter the incoming items, only including ones you're interested in. There are a lot of possibilities.


With each GitHub option, you can quickly triage recent activity or add filters so that you only see when specific keywords (or regex) are mentioned. You can also include or exclude certain types of events altogether.

Filters are invaluable if you're responsible for a certain area of a busy repo or involved in a lot of projects. You can view the relevant changes and comments only, you won't have to rely on people tagging you (if they ever do), and you can organize and batch tasks by having many different views of the same repo.

  • Issues. Track issues on a specific repository. Get events for creation, closing, assignment changes, comments, label changes, re-opening, name changes, getting referenced in a commit, and more. (See the samples in our FAQ.)
  • Pull Requests. Track PRs on a specific repository. Get events for creation, closing, assignment changes, comments, label changes, name changes, merging, new branch pushes, review requests, review results, deployment, and more. (See the samples in our FAQ.)
  • Notifications. The GitHub notification stream can be overwhelming and confusing when you follow and work on many projects. Yupdates helps you take control of these, triage faster, and focus on the ones that really matter.
  • Releases. Track releases or pre-releases from your dependencies and interests. Sometimes this is all you want to know about, and release inputs let you get straight to the facts.

Track your private and public Pinboard bookmarks. Create separate inputs based on different Pinboard tags or title/description filters in Yupdates.

Set up a workflow where you bookmark things from all your other apps and devices and then triage in Yupdates. Organize your research, speed up newsletter curation, POST items to your own workflows, or keep a convenient, ongoing backup.


Track subscribers and unsubscribers in near-realtime.

Get a sense of the daily activity, filter for specific domain names and important email addresses, POST items to your own workflows, or keep a convenient, ongoing backup.


We made adding items through the API simple so that you can integrate with almost anything from anywhere.

For adding items, there's a dedicated token per input. This means you make just one configuration, and Yupdates figures out the rest.

It also means there's only one permission to reason about: the token is authorized to add items to one, single feed, and do nothing else. It can't even read items. You're not dropping your master key into a cronjob script or Lambda or wherever it's going to run.

And it only takes a few lines of code. You can see a complete example in the FAQ.

This works well from a cron job or Lambda function set to run on a regular schedule. Call arbitrary APIs, scrape web pages, or send recurring business metrics and reports.

We have Python and Rust SDKs. See the API section of our FAQ for much more information.

Go in depth
Each input is discussed in detail in the FAQ.
More in the queue
We're focused on adding many more inputs, and we'd love to hear about what will be useful to you.


What exactly is a feed?

One or many inputs

Like with most RSS and email clients, feeds are presented as an ordered list of items with titles. You can click on them to read the full content of each item. (screenshot)

But feeds in Yupdates let you bring in content from many inputs. It could be 10 different RSS inputs mixed with 3 GitHub release notices mixed with items you sent in via email or API. Or it could be one RSS input only.

Your account is limited to a set number of inputs, not feeds, which lets you organize this in any way that works for the situation. For example, you might have 200 feeds with 1 input per feed or 20 feeds with 10 inputs per feed. In either case, 200 inputs are used.

Fast browsing

Jump quickly to any feed at any timestamp.

It's a key part of browsing content: most of us like to bounce around. We often want the latest, but we also want to look back on things from a few months ago. Sometimes, we want to fly through hundreds of items to find that one thing where we forgot the name, but we'll definitely recognize it if we see it.

Read more on the performance page.


A lot of the preference settings are focused on feed viewing. Here are some highlights:

  • Themes. You can choose from many themes, and they apply to the whole product. The light theme is in the screenshot we looked at above. There's also a dark theme and a setting that lets your browser/OS dictate whether to use light or dark (this is often based on the time of day). Finally, there's a high-contrast mode for people with vision/color issues or anyone who likes it.
  • Timestamps. We have over 60 permutations of timestamp formats and behaviors to choose from, including how hovering your pointer over them reveals more information. 60+ is kind of excessive, but we want you to have your exact preference. If it's not there, just ask!
  • Hotkeys. You can customize your hotkeys. You can pick your own key for each function, including many special keys and modifiers like shift, control, etc.
  • Items per page. Choose 10, 15, 20, or 25. It won't make much difference to performance; if you have the screen real estate, see if you like a higher count.
  • Layout density. Choose to make feed views more compact so that a lot more fits on each screen. Or make it roomier. There are currently three settings.
  • Source column options. You can have many inputs per feed. The 'source' column lets you see which input each item came from. But you can disable that, omit the icons, etc. Or choose only to remove the column when there's one input in the feed, which is common.
  • More. There are more options: button size, how your group/feed headers at the top look, etc. The best way to learn about everything is to try it out for free.


Judgment matters.


There are a number of products out there that let you configure responses to events with automated actions. These are great products, and they have a lot of nice integrations, but you don't have the ability to triage.

We believe there's an under-served way of working that is "half automated." There's a stream of information, notifications, events, and emails that you need to stop and think about, even if you only need a few seconds.

Is that post relevant to work? Is that an email I need to deal with? What tags should this have? Do I want to read that later? One of our dependencies has a new release—is there anything urgent? Is this GitHub issue assigned to the wrong person? Does this post about our product need a follow-up?

Automated systems are helpful, and Yupdates has a system for them: outputs. But actions let you make those decisions that only you can make. Once you do make a decision, triggering the action automates everything else that needs to happen.

You can configure any feed with its own custom set of actions, and you can configure default actions that will appear in all feeds.
  • Quick-save. Without leaving the feed view, trigger this item to be saved to your personal database. It will be archived and searchable for the life of your account.
  • Tag. This one takes you to the item edit screen, where you can add arbitrary tags. Hit 'save' to return to the feed view you were at.
  • Specific-tag. Each of these will save and give the item a specific tag of your choice without leaving the feed view. It will be archived in your searchable database and have the given tag. You can add as many of these as you want and give them any name (the name appears on the action button).
  • Save to Pinboard. Bookmark an item at Pinboard without leaving the feed or item view. You can configure these actions with a number of options, including what tags to use.
  • Email. Email the item to yourself without leaving the feed view. It's often helpful to get the item's link and full content in your email. You may want to read it on a different device later, or email is your home, and everything important should be there. The email subject is the item title (you can also configure a prefix if that's helpful).
  • HTTP POST. Send the item anywhere you want. For example, a serverless function that integrates with your business workflow. Coming soon
More in the queue

There's a lot we want to do here. We'd love to hear about what will help you solve problems or save time.


Automate actions where it makes sense.

When you know

Finally, when you know every item in a feed should get the same treatment, you can configure outputs. You can think of these as actions, but they happen automatically to every item in the feed when the items arrive.

  • Auto-save. Save every new item to your personal database.
  • Auto-save and mark read. Save every new item to your database and mark it as read in the feed.
  • Auto-tag. Save every new item to your personal database and give it a specific tag of your choice.
  • Email. Send items to your email on a regular basis. This is not strictly one email per item, but you will get email updates throughout the day as new items arrive.
  • HTTP POST. Send the items anywhere you want. Like with email outputs, this not strictly one POST per item, but you will get regular callbacks. Coming soon
  • Publish private RSS/Atom feeds. Turn any of your feeds into a private RSS or Atom feed to read in other clients. This makes it easy to check for updates on any mobile platform, without signing in to Yupdates. Or it lets you use Yupdates as a triage, consolidation, notification, and search engine with something else as your primary reading interface.
More in the queue

Hand-in-hand with designing new actions, we're designing how they'd work in an automated way (outputs). We'd love to hear about what will be useful to you.


Check out the FAQ to learn more.

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